ONLINE MARKETING adalah judul atau topik utama dari konferensi 2 hari di Hotel Aryaduta -jakarta. Online marketing conference selama 2 hari ini diadakan tgl 31 Mar-1Apr 2010 di ruang ballroom hotel Aryadula. Seperti halnya marketing konvensional berisi berbagai komponen pemasaran fisik / offline. Demikian pula ONLINE marketing terdiri dari beberapa komponen pemasaran / promosi online.
Beberapa di antara komponen marketing online harus mendukung direct marketing in the cyber era, Acquisition & Prospecting new customers, content management, kelengkapan database dan analisisnya, infrastructure web dan desain serta pemrogramannya, serta memanfaatkan berbagai promosi di dunia maya termasuk strategi media sosial dan web jejaring serta community campaign.
Nah pak Bob Julius Onggo - tampak pada gambar - sedang menekankan aspek khusus dari ONLINE Marketing yaitu di sisi database promotion lewat email serta konten email yang informatif dan persuasif yang turut meningkatkan SALES perusahaan.
i heard of small internet busenisses where people can make money by being online and doing stuff what is this about? how can i get into something simple without investing money first? can i get a job online where i can work from home and get my payment deposited into an online account?
Posted by: Hanne | Nov 02, 2012 at 14:58
I have dedicated my life to inreentt marketing. I want to become an affiliate for some companies, or join MLM business and make alot of money following jonathan budd's trainings. Jonathan budd's training is state of the art, but he doesnt teach how to make websites or blogs. If you are an inreentt marketer, could please throw me some tips on where I can learn to make websites?
Posted by: Daum | Nov 02, 2012 at 14:18
Niche Marketing Internet Anyone have any idea how to find the profitable niche manirtkeg internet and what would be the criterion I should look into in order to get profitable Niche Keyword?Niche Marketing Internet seems too saturated especially on making money and internet manirtkeg niche.I already spent almost a month to find Niche Marketing Internet but so far no luck.Can anyone helo me on this Niche Marketing Internet criteria I should focus on?
Posted by: Nina | Nov 02, 2012 at 08:47
Hi, I congratulate you on Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Antivirus_man | Dec 05, 2010 at 13:46
Are you eager to secure funds for that dream project of yours?
Posted by: RamonGustav | Aug 23, 2010 at 23:48
Dear Pak Bob,
Warm Greetings from Accor Hotels Surabaya.
It is very interesting to attend your session today.
The topic is very informative and make our sales team work more effective and efficient.
Regarding email software tools, we will more than happy if you can share with us.
Thank you and hope to see you in some other time, and let me know if you have query to Surabaya.
Best regards,
Albert Siregar
Director of Sales & Marketing
Surabaya Region
Posted by: ALbert | Apr 06, 2010 at 23:13
pak, mohon diberikan URL download program yang anda janjikan ya
Posted by: purwanto | Apr 06, 2010 at 08:04